Low Resistance Test System

Product ID: 9100-2 Low Resistance Test

The Model 9100-2 measures the resistance of single or multiple battery separators quickly and accurately when used with our Model 9000-9100 Electrolyte Test Bath. This system uses a 4-terminal measurement technique which cancels the effects of electrode/electrolyte potentials.

The 9100-2 minimizes self-heating with test currents of 10 or 100 ma at a 10% duty cycle. An offset test switch enables the voltmeter to monitor any bath polarization. Front panel switches control standby/operate, offset test, and reset. Preset (digital offset) is standard, as is range scaling which gives direct readout of resistance per unit area. Also standard is the remote operation switch box.

Construction: Anodized aluminum chassis, circuitry uses ICs and discrete components. 2 oz copper, epoxy fiberglass PC boards with gold plated contacts. All circuits plug into main chassis.

Size: 5.25"H x 8.5"W x 12"D (13.3 cm x 21.6 cm x 30.5 cm), aluminum cabinet. Acid and base resistant finish on covers and panels.

Power: 120v or 240v, 50-400Hz standard. 40 va. max.

Standard Features:

  •  O. "Offset" displays the difference caused by separator removal.

  • RO. Remote operation switch box protects main chassis from acid.

  • RS. Range scaling provides readout in resistance per unit area.


  • HS. Hi resolution readout to .01 milliohms for all aperture sizes and electrolytes.

  • When ordering please specify the voltage required and the size of your bath aperture for correct range scaling.  We recommend larger apertures for ribbed separator tests.  We recommend 9000-9100A Electrolytic Bath with its stable, higher barrier resistance for use with this system.  Use with acid and base electolyles.

Voltage Selection:

  • 120v

  • 240v

 Aperture Selection:

  • RSE-2  (2 sq. inch bath aperture)

  • RSE-5  (5 sq. inch bath aperture)

  • RSM-20 (20 sq. inch bath aperture)

  • RSM-50 (50 sq. inch bath aperture)


Readout: 0000 to +/-12000 with flashing overrange indicator.

Ranges: 100 mv, 1 v, 10 v, 1 Kohm, 100 ohm, 10 ohm, 1 ohm and 100 mohm full scale. The 100 mohm and 1 ohm ranges are used to measure separator resistance. The higher ranges are used to test the barrier resistance of the bath.

Resolution: 0.01% of full scale (i.e.  .1 milliohms on the 1 ohm range).

Timing: Test timing is crystal controlled, 33-1/3 msec or 166.67 msec for 60 Hz systems, 50 or 250 msec for 50 Hz application, depending upon the range. Circuit is operative only 10% of the time to minimize bath heating. (10% duty cycle)

Accuracy over 10 degree C range into standard resistor: 0.05% of reading, +/-1 digit. Electrolyte resistance may vary 1% or more per degree C. We suggest the Palico 9001 Temperature Controlled Bath for critical applications.

Voltmeter zero: 2 microvolts +/-0.25 digits per degree C.

Current generator zero: less than +/-0.01% of full scale, +/-0.001% per degree C.

Isolation: The bipolar current source, voltmeter, digital output and chassis are isolated to prevent erroneous readings.

Ranging: Manual with 100 milliohm, 1, 10, 100 and 1 Kohm, 100 mv, 1 v and 10 v full scale.

Display: 0.5" LED type. 4-digit, non-blinking, stored display.

Input: 5-wire, rear mounted, MS type 3102-14S-6S connector for resistance measurement. Connects directly to Palico 9000-9100 Bath. Front panel BNC for voltmeter input. 6 foot cable with solder lug terminations. Rear panel connections for current output & voltmeter input. "Standby" connects rear panel reference resistor, removing all bath connections for self test. Power failure switches system to 'standby.'

BCD output: 1-2-4-8 code: Rear mounted 36 pin connector (57-40360 Blue Ribbon type). Logic 0=0 +/-0.5 v @4 ma; Logic 1 = 3.5 +/-1v @300 ua.

Print command: Logic "1" signal indicates data available within 100 usec after completion of measurement.

Temperature: -20 degrees C to +55 degrees C operation; 85 degrees C storage

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